
participant list


Job description

Prof. Raphael Bar-El


Prof. Tsvi Vinig

University of Amsterdam Business School

Joseph (Yosi) Kost, Ph.D., MBA

Dean faculty of Engineering Sciences

Amos Katz

Faculty of Health Sciences – Dean


Founder & CEO of Center for Digital Innovation (CDI-NEGEV)

Eitan Rubin

National institute for Bio Technology

Nir Dagan 

Co-Founder, Managing Partner, and Chief Executive Officer, SkyFund


CEO, C.Mer Industries

Professor Noam Weisbrod

Director, Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research

Prof. Asher Brenner

The Environmental Engineering Unit - Professor, Chairman

Prof. Noam Weisbrod

Director, Blaustein Center for Scientific Cooperation & Head, Department of Environmental Hydrology & Microbiology

Avi Feldman

CEO, Capital Nature Chairman, IATI Cleantech Committee

Prof. Eilon Adar

The Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research 

Prof. Boris Zaltzman

The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research

Prof. Shimon Rachmilevitch


Prof. Moti Herskowitz

French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands

Prof. Dafna Schwartz

The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research

Professor OdedLowengart

Prof. Rivka Carmi

Director, Blechner Center for Industrial Catalysis & Process Development

Mr. Arnold Bengis

Chairperson & Director of Bengis Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Prof. ZviHacohen

"Dean, Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management

Prof. Ron Folman

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev"

Prof. Dan Shechtman

President, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Mr. Avi Hasson

Founder, Bengis Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management at BGU 

Information:China Israel Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center  |  Information release date:2016-02-16 23:08:14 | information category:新闻公告 |  


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Copy right:China Israel Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center

Address:Jilin province changchun street, number 2699


Technical support:Xian boda