English 中文版


Call for Paper: The 4th Global Entrepreneurship and
Innovation Conference

“Shaping the New Economy Driven by Innovation and Entrepreneurship”

Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference (GEIC), initiated in 2013, is an international academic communication platform for presenting and discussing (frontier) research on theory and practice of entrepreneurship and innovation and its role in economic development.The conference has been successfully held twice at Jilin University in 2014 and 2015 in China and in 2016 at Ben-Gurion University in Israel. The 4th GEIC will be held at Nankai University in China from May 20 to 21, 2017.
The global economy is in a new stage of development. The key to the economic development is the fast pace of progress of science and technology. Entrepreneurship and innovations based on advances in science and technology will shape the future of the global economy. Therefore, the theme of the 4th GEIC is “Shaping the New Economy Driven by Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship”. Researchers and scholars are welcome to submit papers, to jointly explore the new practices, frontiers and thinking of growth pattern innovation, and to provide intellectual support for improving the global economy.

Submissions in the following (but not limited to), topics are of interest:
(1) New engines to economic growth;
(2) Innovation-oriented entrepreneurship;
(3) Entrepreneurial universities and knowledge transfer & diffusion;
(4) New development of maker-space, science parks, business incubators and accelerators;
(5) Formation and evolution of innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems;
(6) China the new Silicon Valley?
(7) Crowdfunding - New funding instruments for startups
(8) Innovation and entrepreneurship behavior of state-owned enterprises’;

(9) Innovation and entrepreneurship as the solution for “social pains” (E.g. entrepreneurship and poverty alleviation, entrepreneurship and the aging of Chinese population);

(10) Public policy system for mass entrepreneurship and innovation and its improvement;
(11) Entrepreneurial enterprises changing China and the world;
(12) Entrepreneurship education system construction and development;

(13) Migrant farmer-workers returning home to start businesses;
(14) Entrepreneurial/Innovation economic theory and policy

This year we will hold PhD forum, we would like to invite PhD students join our forum. Please send your papers to the following email address by April 20, 2017. Please log in to our conference website for further information: http://www.nkear.com/geic2017/. For PhD forum submission, please add “PhD” at the end of your speech topic.

Contact: Liu Gang
Email: liugg@nankai.edu.cn

信息发布方:中国以色列创新创业合作研究中心  |  信息发布日期:2017-02-06 14:31:35 | 信息类别:新闻公告 |  


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